Click here for the results of the General Election of

Sheet Metal Workers Local 12

Read about some of the benefits available to our members through


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Encourage them to vote YES on House Bill 2153


Offsite Fab for Prevailing Rate

Click to see HB2153 and Phone Numbers

2024 Partners in Progress


Our highly-skilled workforce receives world-class, ongoing training to provide you with the best craftsmen in their trade.

Click on the flag to sign up for the

Union Veterans Council today!

​​The Sheet Metal Workers Local Union 12 works in conjunction with Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor National Association (SMACNA) and the International Training Institute (ITI) to train and employ Sheet Metal tradesmen.

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1200 Gulf Lab Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15238

(412) 828-5300

Copyright 2018. Sheet Metal Workers Local 12. All rights reserved.

Local Union 12 - Pittsburgh, PA

​​​​​Sheet Metal Workers

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A Jurisdictional Settlement has   been reached between SMART      and the Insulators.

Sign in to the Member Portal to read it.